1.How can I take a public bike?
Taking a public bike is an easy and quick 3 step procedure.
2.How can I return a public bike?
Returning a public bike is an easy and quick 3 step procedure. If, however, you cannot return the public bike you used, please contact the Support Department by phone (+30 210 3004441) or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
3.How much time can I use a public bike?
Alimos sharing system is a sort-term bike rental offer with a limited capacity for the time being. Therefore, it is important a public bike to be used for as long as it is necessary in order more BSS users to be served.
Maximum usage period is set to 2 consecutive hours from the time the public bike was unlocked and 3 hours daily. Delayed returns after 12 hours will be considered as a theft of public bike and legal procedures will follow.
4.There are no available public bikes or docking points on the bike station. What shall I do?
Information on availability of public bikes and docking points in each station is given in real-time, here.
5.What shall I check before using a public bike?
Alimos BSS operation is being monitored in real time and condition of each part – such as public bikes – is being assessed daily to be delivered for safe use.
However, before riding any bike, you should perform some simple maintenance checks, in order to ensure your safety and enjoyment. You should check: tire pressure, brakes, gears, pedals and chain. Finally you should adjust the saddle at the correct height for you.
In case you detect a problem during check or usage of the public bike, please return it as soon as possible to nearest bike station and during locking inform the system for the problem by clicking the right answer on the display (Is Bike OK: NO). After that you can another public bike.
Alternatively, you can contact Support Department by phone (+30 210 3004441) or email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to report the problem and you will get instructions.
6.The public bike that I am using has a problem and I am far away from every bike station. What shall I do?
In case the public bike you are using presented a problem and you cannot return it to any bike station, please contact the Support Department by phone (+30 210 3004441) or email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to report the problem and your position and you will get instructions.
7.I cannot lock the public bike on the docking point. What shall I do?
In case you cannot lock the public bike on any docking point of the bike station, please contact the Support Department by phone (+30 210 3004441) or email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to report the problem and your position and you will get instructions.
8.Is it safe to use my credit card?
Safe use of credit cards in Alimos system is certified by VISA and MASTERCARD, it is subjected to strict safety standards in all certified card readers located at bike stations and user identification is made through Chip & Pin technology.
When using a credit card at a bike station you should make sure that nobody is watching you in order to avoid theft of the card and/or interception of private information such as passwords, credit card information, etc.
9.There is a problem on Alimos BSS. What shall I do?
Please report it immediately by contacting the Support Department by phone (+30 210 3004441) or email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).